Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Supporting English Language Skills at Home

It’s a core belief at Maple Bear that offering high quality bilingual Canadian education provides our students with more than just another language. We know from the research that learning…

Trainers Virtual Training
Our Maple Bear Trainers Successfully Pivot to Virtual Training

Pre-pandemic, our Maple Bear Trainers could be found all over the world training the teaching staff at our schools and ensuring that our program is delivered in the way it…

Why Empathy is an Important Life Skill for Children

Empathy reminds us that we are all human and that we share universal experiences and feelings. There’s an excellent opportunity in these challenging days of the COVID-19 crisis to reinforce…

Highlights from the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium in Winnipeg

Maple Bear Global Schools trainers convened at the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium last June 2017 hosted at the University of Winnipeg. Watch our video to meet the people behind the…