Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Reopening of Schools in Korea Showcases Maple Bear’s Global Advantage

Posted in Global Family on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Governments in Asia have begun to lift restrictions and allow businesses and schools to reopen during the pandemic.  With Maple Bear’s global network of schools, this gives us a significant advantage over other education providers who are now grappling with how to allow children back into the classroom as safely as possible.

Maple Bear Korea is the First to Reopen

At Maple Bear, we are informed more quickly on evolving government requirements and on international best practices.

Schools in Korea were the first to reopen. Ironically, Maple Bear Korea was where Maple Bear Global Schools’ evolution to its current entrepreneurial structure truly began to take off, and now Maple Bear Korea will once again show us the way.

“Maple Bear’s global network of schools allow us to rely on and support each other,” says Will Smith, Elementary Academic Director at Maple Bear Songpa.

“All the training, support, and stories from our schools across the world have had a positive impact on us in Songpa. Maple Bear 화이팅! (Fighting!)”

Best Practices Ensures A Safe Return to the Classroom

What we have learned from Korea so far is that academic social distancing as early as two-years of age is possible, and we have now adapted our global academic program to reflect the need for more pre-planning, parent communication, student social-emotional support, teacher training, modified classroom configurations and revised learning outcomes as a result of this new reality.

“I have two children currently attending Maple Bear. My first child started at Maple Bear back in 2016 when she was five years old and my second child is in his second year,” states Ms. Ho Jung Seo, mother of a Grade 2 and a Junior Kindergarten student.

“After the long school closure, I was worried about Maple Bear starting up their programs again as it seemed a bit early, especially for my six-year-old boy.  But I realize now that there is no substitute for Maple Bear and the wonderful learning my son is experiencing.  I also know and trust the school is doing everything to provide the best care for the students.”

Social distancing incorporated into the classroom configuration at the Maple Bear Gimpo campus in Korea.


We care deeply about the well-being of our students, staff and their families. We readily adapt our teaching strategies, our classroom protocols and policies so that we can continue to provide our students the best of Canadian education for a global future.

Our Students and Staff are Safe and Supported

“I was sad when I couldn’t come to Maple Bear because I love Maple Bear.  At Maple Bear, I get to play together with my friends and learn English,” says David M., a Senior Kindergarten student at Maple Bear Korea’s Gimpo campus.

Our Managing Director of Maple Bear Korea, Crystal Han summarized the re-opening in Korea nicely:

“All of our school staff and teachers have pulled together under extreme levels of care and concern to ensure we can keep our students safe, while attending to their educational needs.  Throughout the reopening phase, there was constant support and guidance from our academic team in Canada and every day I am thankful to be part of a Canadian organization such as Maple Bear.”



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