Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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A new global blog for our growing global family!

Posted in Maple Bear Global on Friday, May 20th, 2016

As President of Maple Bear Global Schools, it’s my pleasure to inaugurate our new global blog #maplebear. We plan to use this space to share our news and to showcase our Maple Bear global family.

And we certainly have lots to share!

That’s because as a family, we’ve definitely been having a growth spurt. There are now more than 230 Maple Bear schools operating in twelve countries. Those numbers will soon expand when we welcome three new countries to the Maple Bear family in the near future.

There are now literally thousands of people engaged with Maple Bear schools as teachers, parents, and of course students. We have valued local partnerships in the countries in which we operate. Our Maple Bear offices are staffed with dedicated and enthusiastic employees who provide in country support to our Maple Bear schools.

And from Canada, we are sending out education professionals to conduct teacher training and to conduct quality assurance reviews to ensure that all Maple Bear schools deliver the highest quality education to our students.

Welcome again to our new blog.

Rodney Briggs
President, Maple Bear Global Schools

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