Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Maple Bear and Our Approach to 21st Century Education

What should education look like for our children today in order to help them prepare for an uncertain, continually changing tomorrow? As a parent, how do I know my children…

Meet a dynamic teaching duo from Maple Bear Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Four hundred teachers from across Brazil are currently meeting in Sao Paulo for Maple Bear Brazil’s annual Central Training. This comprehensive training program—which runs until July 28th–is unique to Maple…

Playing and Learning With Your Children

Play is good for everyone. At Maple Bear, play is part of our pedagogical foundation and we recommend that play (for children and adults) becomes an essential part of every…

Routines Can Provide Calm in Chaotic Times

There is no doubt we are living in a challenging and unprecedented time. All of a sudden, parenting has become a 24 hour by 7 day job, and for those…