A Celebration of our Past, Present and Future
From its inception in 2004 to the present day, the trajectory of Maple Bear has been marked by innovation and an unwavering commitment to providing top-tier Canadian-based bilingual education on…

Why Maple Bear Is Important For Young Children During COVID-19
One of the most worrisome aspects of this COVID-19 pandemic is that it has disrupted education for the majority of children across the globe. Many of our Maple Bear students…

Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life
As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…

President’s Message to Parents on COVID-19
In these unprecedented and stressful times, Maple Bear parents around the globe are now carrying the added burden of suddenly having to manage their child’s education from home. Rodney Briggs,…