Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Maple Bear Gives Back: Community Investment Strategy Launches in Brazil

Giving back, or community investment, is not new to Maple Bear at a local or national level, but for the first time ever, Maple Bear Global Schools is launching an…

Welcome to Maple Bear Global Schools *New Video!*

What is Maple Bear Global Schools? Parents, students, teachers and school owners share their thoughts on our world-class curriculum and being a part of the Maple Bear global family.

Welcome to Maple Bear Korea

Korea is a country steeped in rich history and is shaped by ancient Asian traditions. Its economy has made huge strides in the last 40 years with its embrace of…

Maple Bear Global Schools Expands to the Czech Republic

In September 2024, Maple Bear proudly expanded its presence into the Czech Republic by opening two new schools: the first Maple Bear Kindergarten in Olomouc and the first Maple Bear…