Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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The Maple Bear Global Magazine
Introducing Our First Global Magazine “The Bear”

The Maple Bear Global team is proud of the first-ever global edition of the Maple Bear magazine “The Bear”. The vision of a magazine that could be used throughout the…

Highlights from the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium in Winnipeg

Maple Bear Global Schools trainers convened at the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium last June 2017 hosted at the University of Winnipeg. Watch our video to meet the people behind the…

The 12th Annual Maple Bear Brazil Convention Goes Virtual

The 12th Maple Bear Brazil Annual Convention was very successful! Held every year, the convention brings together directors and owners of Maple Bear schools in Brazil and worldwide, in addition…

Maple Bear Global Schools Expands to the Czech Republic

In September 2024, Maple Bear proudly expanded its presence into the Czech Republic by opening two new schools: the first Maple Bear Kindergarten in Olomouc and the first Maple Bear…