Understanding PISA
Canada’s education system consistently ranks among the best in the world as evaluated by a study called PISA – the Programme for International Student Assessment. The features that make the…

Maple Bear Students Travel to Canada to Enhance their Learning
Maple Bear Global Schools has been offering the best of Canadian education for a global future to students from pre-school through to grade 12 since 2006, and the demand just…

Successful 1st National Convention for Maple Bear India!
Maple Bear India held a national convention in early October and by all accounts it was a resounding success as owners from around the country gathered in Delhi for the…

Maple Bear Embraces a Personal Inspiration to Give Back in Brazil
Pictured at top from left to right: Maple Bear Latin America Marketing Director Rafael de Almeida Vidal Mangini with Terry Fox Foundation International Director Rhonda Risebrough and Maple Bear Brasilia…