Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
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Academic Parent Tutorial Series: Supporting Your Children Through COVID-19

Posted in Education on Thursday, August 6th, 2020

Our Brazil Co-Associate Academic Directors, Arpi Babaian and Stewart Shinnan hosted a series of short parent-focussed academic tutorials to provide research-backed, actionable tips on a variety of parenting and education topics. From routines, to supporting English language development at home, Arpi and Stewart troubleshoot some of the most common parent concerns in these extraordinary times.

In case you missed the live tutorials, we have recorded the sessions and they are available for playback at the links below.

#1 – Family Routines for Academic Success

Downloadable resources:

#2 – Playing and Learning With Your Children

Downloadable resources:

#3 – Literacy Growth: Supporting English Language Skills at Home

Downloadable resources:

#4 – Screen Time During COVID

Downloadable resources:

#5 – Return to School Transition Guidelines – Safe and Caring Schools

Downloadable resources:

#6 – Supporting the Hybrid Education Model: Balancing Online & In-Person Learning

Downloadable resources:

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