UN Sustainable Development Goals Come To Life With Education Program
In alignment with Earth Day 2022, it is the perfect opportunity to announce a unique, digital platform that brings the UN Sustainable Development Goals to life through global student education…
Welcome to Maple Bear Global Schools *New Video!*
What is Maple Bear Global Schools? Parents, students, teachers and school owners share their thoughts on our world-class curriculum and being a part of the Maple Bear global family.
Demand for Canadian High Quality Education Continues to Grow in Brazil
While devoted to guaranteeing the highest educational standards, Maple Bear Brazil, now in its 13th year, is continuing to grow at a consistent pace, with 19 new schools opening their…
Maple Bear Gives Back in Brazil to Support Cancer Research
Maple Bear’s goal is to enhance a culture of giving back in every country in which we operate in order to create compassionate, socially conscious, local and global citizens who…