Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
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Trainers Virtual Training

Our Maple Bear Trainers Successfully Pivot to Virtual Training

Posted in Maple Bear Global / Trainers & Teachers on Friday, December 4th, 2020

Pre-pandemic, our Maple Bear Trainers could be found all over the world training the teaching staff at our schools and ensuring that our program is delivered in the way it is meant to.

When the pandemic hit, all travel suddenly stopped and our Academic team had to pivot.

When faced with this shared global situation, all of our schools, families and students have demonstrated their amazing resilience.

Our Maple Bear trainers have also adapted and thrived. Accolades go out to all ninety-seven of our Maple Bear Trainers who recently took the plunge deep into the online waters to work with our Maple Bear Schools between July-September of this year.

The Switch from In-Person to Online Training Was A Success

Initially, during the online training, our trainers felt that making the switch was a little daunting. But eventually, everyone adapted to the new reality.

Many trainers felt after their first two weeks of virtual training that it was a better experience than they expected it would be. There was a feeling of ‘let’s work together to help each other get through this’ attitude. So once trainers made the connection with the schools, they fell into the role of supporting and customizing training delivery to meet the needs of remote learning.

For some trainers, online support made them work harder at asking questions in order to maximize their time at the schools and only focus on the specific areas that teachers needed immediate support with.

Relevant Webinars Were Created to Support Our Teachers Around the World

The Digital Learning Community webinars that Maple Bear developed in order to support our teachers during the pandemic were helpful to trainers as they could refer to them and use them as resources for workshops or for informing teachers.

In-Person Training Will Be Missed But in Tough Times We Are Stronger Together

There are two things that all trainers agreed upon after delivering our training online.

The first is that nothing compares to the in-person training and being truly present in schools and available to the staff and students on a daily basis all day. Everyone sorely missed the physical connection of working in a school and alongside teachers. Trainers made the adjustment to this new way of training, which made it a very different experience for one and all.

The second is that many trainers recognized the “indubitable spirit” of all the teachers at the schools.  Even though their jobs had become more uncertain, stressful, and very challenging they were persevering and making the best of it with the support and encouragement of our Maple Bear Trainers.

Trainers adaped to virtual training and saw family connections strengthen

Trainers also realized how online learning was strengthening family relationships.

Grandparents and parents were learning English as they were participating together with their little ones in the early childhood virtual lessons; singing the songs, playing the games and learning English.

A phrase that resounds at this time is that “we are truly stronger together” and that supporting and being empathetic with one another is what it will take to get us through this pandemic.

As we persist in providing the best in high-quality, bilingual education, we are confident that our teaching community will continue to be supported at the highest standard and the best education will continue to be delivered to our students, now and into the future.


Written by Jocelyn McPike, Director of Training and Quality Assurance

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