Meet a dynamic teaching duo from Maple Bear Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Four hundred teachers from across Brazil are currently meeting in Sao Paulo for Maple Bear Brazil’s annual Central Training. This comprehensive training program—which runs until July 28th–is unique to Maple…
Playing is Learning
All Maple Bear Early Childhood programs emphasize play and play-based learning as critical components of the curriculum. Whether the children are learning language or developing literacy, exploring numeracy or discovering…
How Maple Bear Kyiv Weathered the Storm
When doors first opened at Maple Bear Kyiv a year ago, no one on the team could have imagined that teaching resilience to the 20 young learners between Kindergarten age…
Maple Bear and Our Approach to 21st Century Education
What should education look like for our children today in order to help them prepare for an uncertain, continually changing tomorrow? As a parent, how do I know my children…