Screen Time During the COVID Crisis
Pre-COVID, screen time and technology use in general were always highly relevant topics among our parents. Now, in the midst of this global pandemic, parents and children are predominantly at…
Teachers Convention Set for Maple Bear Brazil!
Maple Bear teachers in Brazil will have the opportunity to share experiences when they meet in São Paulo later this month for their first national convention. Meet one teacher–Nímia Marini—who…
Meet a dynamic teaching duo from Maple Bear Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Four hundred teachers from across Brazil are currently meeting in Sao Paulo for Maple Bear Brazil’s annual Central Training. This comprehensive training program—which runs until July 28th–is unique to Maple…
Celebrating Maple Bear Women In STEAM
When women are educated, their countries become strong and prosperous. – First Lady Michelle Obama Our team of expert Canadian educators is the cornerstone of the academic excellence the Maple…