Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Maple Bear Latin America Ranked One of the Best Places to Work

Just as quality education is a key component to student success, organizational culture is a vital characteristic attributed to a successful, favourable workplace. It is an impressive accomplishment that Maple…

Teachers Convention Set for Maple Bear Brazil!

Maple Bear teachers in Brazil will have the opportunity to share experiences when they meet in São Paulo later this month for their first national convention. Meet one teacher–Nímia Marini—who…

President’s Message to Parents on COVID-19

In these unprecedented and stressful times, Maple Bear parents around the globe are now carrying the added burden of suddenly having to manage their child’s education from home. Rodney Briggs,…

Maple Bear Gives Back in Brazil to Support Cancer Research

Maple Bear’s goal is to enhance a culture of giving back in every country in which we operate in order to create compassionate, socially conscious, local and global citizens who…