Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Maple Bear Global Schools Expands to the Czech Republic

In September 2024, Maple Bear proudly expanded its presence into the Czech Republic by opening two new schools: the first Maple Bear Kindergarten in Olomouc and the first Maple Bear…

President’s Message to Parents on COVID-19

In these unprecedented and stressful times, Maple Bear parents around the globe are now carrying the added burden of suddenly having to manage their child’s education from home. Rodney Briggs,…

What Makes Maple Bear Unique

Selecting the right school for a child is a daunting task as a parent.  We know this from parents who tell us about their decision-making process as well as from…

Maple Bear opens school in Texas, USA

The global Maple Bear network, now 17 countries strong, is testament to the fact that the Maple Bear program works around the world no matter the country, the culture or…