Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life

As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can  be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…

What Makes Maple Bear Canadian?

Canada is known for its cold winters, friendly people and hockey. Canada is also widely known as a country that continues to rank highly in Overall Best Countries to live and…

The Advantage of Being a Part of a Global Education Brand During a Pandemic

Pandemic preparedness was not scheduled into the academic calendar at our Maple Bear schools for the year 2020. The education sector is well-versed on the importance of emergency preparedness as…

Meet Gladys Ng of Maple Bear Singapore

For Gladys Ng, owning two Maple Bear schools in Singapore is a dream come true and the pinnacle of a long, meaningful career in early childhood education. Her passion for…